Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kilee and the Bird

So I was at work one day when I started getting a million texts from Kilee, she tells me about how she had gone to 7-11 on break and when she got back to work there was a bird sitting on the fence by the doorway and it wouldn't move. She said that it was looking at her and it gave her a "crusty" and she was too afraid to go into work. It had a sharp beak and Kilee was afraid that it would fly at her and peck her. She tried swinging her purse at it but it still wouldn't move. Finally some guy came by and he went right up to the bird, only inches away but it didn't fly. At that point Kilee took the opportunity to scurry in the door, and she was able to escape the birds clutches! I thought the whole story was pretty funny, all stories that involve Kilee being afraid of small defenseless creatures are pretty funny though. In other funny news we went to the creamery and some random old lady payed for our ice cream, the cashier was like, "uh, she already payed for it, do you know her?" and we had no idea who she was, strange...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Took my time...

So I finally got the new blog started up, I really should have finished it sooner but better late than never. My old blog was ok, but I think it gave the wrong impression, like that it was just super nerdy, which it kinda was but that was mostly for a joke. My Dad said that he thought progressive dimension was some kind of liberal blog or something and I didn't want people thinking that. In fact, in new blog I want to rise above politics and discuss topics that are much more important, like taco bell vs del taco, coke or pepsi, and other important life decisions. But anyways, to catch up on my life I just finished the semester here at BYU, now I am trying to decide what I should major in, I think I will try to take some classes this summer to try and get a better idea about what I would like to do. For now I am just working at the the laundry and am going to start trying work full time as long as there is enough to do. Kilee is working at BRG and does really good at it, I think she is going to be employee of the month. We have been living here in provo for almost a year and a half, that is really hard to believe, time is totally flying by. It is sometimes hard to be motivated in class when I really don't know what I want to do, I need to decide soon, having direction gives purpose and makes everything easier. But as for my blog, I hope that people will want to read it, sometimes I may talk about stuff that probably no one else cares about, but ill try to include funny stories so that those who don't like rock music or video games will still want to read.

I do have a funny story for today, Kilee just barely went to bed, and we were sitting there before she did and we were talking about how the pulling of a person's finger causes them to let a fart. I was trying to sound really scientific about an explanation of how it is actually true. I was telling her how there is a nerve in the finger that when pulled, it reacts with the ability to hold a fart in and if there is one on deck when the finger is pulled, then it makes you let er rip. She had a good laugh at my explanation and I think it sounded so good that a little part of her was wanting to believe it. Because when I couldn't contain my laughter anymore she kept saying "see I knew you were just joking!" and I took that as her way of reassuring herself that it wasn't true because she was almost believing the great and wonderful myth of the pulled finger.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

New blog

I am sure about it now, Im going to change the blog, the name and everything, it is going to be cool, but I'm not sure if anyone ever reads it so maybe it wont matter to anyone but me, but none the less, I'm changing it! Coming soon!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

In Henderson

I'm back, after a little bit of a dry spell. But right now me and Kilee are visiting Henderson, we are so far having a real good time, we have been able to visit with family and we even got to have some nielson's custard. It was, of course, totally delicious. So anyways theres really not all that many new happenings since the last time I have written on here, I have just been going to school and have been busy with that and Kilee got a job at a call center where she usually doesn't get as many hours as she would like. She is still looking for something with more hours and that could be long term, so if anyone reading has an idea, it would be greatly appreciated, and I would reward you, with a lesson in how to be the best at video games. (very valuable, its like getting a fishing lesson from Doug Miller) But also there are some items of business to take care of while I have your attention, I am trying to decide on a major for school, do you know of any that would be good for me? I would like something that is not too long of a major, and can be worthwhile as a degree by itself. I think there is a good chance I may try to go to graduate school, maybe law school, but I am unsure still. So if you read my blog, which I don't know if anyone really does, then leave a comment about which major or field I should go into. I will consider your suggestions! On a less "down to business" note, I am thinking about changing my blog's name, are there any ideas in that department, but mostly I think I am asking, do you like the name? What I was going for was a kind of mystical, fantasy sounding thing but I think it may sound a little political. So also comment if you like or dislike the title. Well, its now 1:30 here, normally 2:30 my time and I am exhausted, time to go to bed, so I will see you later!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


So now we are down in Henderson for Christmas, things are going great and its been really fun to visit with our families. We are totally pumped for Christmas, as usual and we are going to have breakfast with Kilee's family and lunch or dinner with my family. I guess that we are going to eat some prime rib, which I don't remember it, but I guess that's what we had last year, Kilee says I liked it, so I am pumped for that too! I got some pretty sweet presents for Kilee, and am excited for her to open them! So anyways Ill have to get on here and tell about Christmas afterwards, and I'm still going to make my awesome list one day. Till then, here's a mouth watering picture of some prime rib!

Monday, November 23, 2009


So lately I have been really busy with school, which by the way has been pretty annoying, so I am really glad that this semester is almost over, I can't wait to not take science classes anymore, I find science to be very fascinating, but I have realized that its just not what I want to do. But get this, the other day I as studying in the library, listening to my music when some total dummy comes up to me. He asks me if I could turn down my music on my headphones, I said "serious?" and hes all "yeah its hard to read." (I'm sure that it was just that he was feeling scared of metal, he was probably hoping I would just turn on some backstreet boys or weird al.) so i just looked away and turned it down one notch. I wanted to punch him in the face, I should not have been so nice. What would have been awesome would be if I had said, "listen you piece of garbage, there are certain places in the library that are designated quiet areas, you should find one and go there, although since you said you can't read very good, you may have a hard time finding one, so just wander off until you find it." But anyways, if I would have said that then I would probably feel terrible for being mean, but what I have found is that it always feels so satisfying to think of mean responses to dumb people after the fact, so this is kinda like my therapy to keep me being nice to everyone. So something else I could have done is challenge him to a battle of wits, and I could ask him about science and stuff, and since he is a nerd he would have been really excited and start talking about how he has always felt like potential energy was his favorite and that kinetic energy was rude because it always took all the credit, but while he was distracted with his nerdy day dream I would have quickly positioned myself behind him and I would give him a huge monster wedgie (you know the one where the underwear goes over the head) and then thrown him into the trashcan that I gathered while he was distracted and then I would roll him through the library and out the doors all the way over to the ginormous staircase that goes down to the RB and then send it on down! following that I would turn my headphones down to help him to read better and also to hear the sweet sound of the trash can rolling down. Wow I sure feel better already! HAHA, well anyways, I'm really pumped for thanksgiving break, should be really fun! Next post should come soon, (foreals this time) because I have been wanting to make a list of awesomeness!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I thought this would be the perfect movie for halloween, what is more rocking and scary than the grim reaper doing air guitar? Nothing!